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"Machine Trading"
Showing 51-70 of 70 items.

Richard Bookstaber – A Demon Of Our Own Design

Description Inside markets, innovation, and risk Why do markets keep crashing and why are financial crises greater than ever before? As the risk manager to some of the leading firms on Wall Street–from Morgan Stanley to...

Transparent FX – Mentorship Program

Transparent FX – Mentorship Program want to learn how to trade with this accuracy? you are in the right place: learn our proven rule-based strategy and start trading with confidence and no emotions!!! 12GB+ of A-Z...

Brian R.Brown – Chasing The Same Signals

Product DescriptionConventional wisdom suggests that markets are efficient, random walks and that stock prices rise and fall with the fundamentals of the company. How then have black-box traders prospered and how do they exploit market inefficiencies?...

Russ Horn – Forex Strategy Master

Russ Horn – Forex Strategy Master From the mind of the greatest Forex trader of our time comes the fastest and easiest way to make money in the Forex market likely ever conceived… Full time traders,...

Thomas Demark – New Market Timing Techniques

Thomas Demark – New Market Timing Techniques From the world’s foremost authority on chart analysis– a practical new treatise on mastering powerful trading tools and systems In the sequel to his best-selling book, The New Science...

Thomas Demark – Top Tudur Techniques

Thomas Demark - Top Tudur TechniquesTop Tudor TechniquesDeMark developed some indicators which were used to achieve some truly incredible returns. In this informative video, DeMark reveals the very best of what high probability trading opportunities.Tom DeMark...

SacredScience & Ralph Nelson Elliott – Nature’s Law. The secret of the Universe

SacredScience & Ralph Nelson Elliott – Nature’s Law. The secret of the Universe Important title by Ralph Nelson Elliott (Elliott Wave Principle) written in 1946, two years before his death in 1948. Scarce edition, Highly recommended...

Macro Ops – Price Action Masterclass

Macro Ops – Price Action Masterclass Becoming successful in trading and investing is not an easy journey. ​It’s a rough road — one filled with more twists, turns, potholes, and dead-ends than you can count. ​ Each leg of the...

Michael D. Coval – A Trader on WallStreet (A Short Term Traders Guide)

Michael D. Coval – A Trader on WallStreet (A Short Term Traders Guide) The stock market is a consistently evolving machine. A Trader On Wall Street shows the hidden secrets of both the market makers and...

Jason Fielder – The Delphi Scalper 4 (

Jason Fielder - The Delphi Scalper 4 (“Red Light, Green Light” System Consistently Grabs 10-50 Pips Per Day Like Clockwork……Giving You Automatic Daily IncomeStop throwing your money away on “systems” that promise you everything, deliver nothing,...

Forextester – Simple Forex Tester 2.0

Forextester – Simple Forex Tester 2.0 The Simple Forex Tester is a software suite that hooks DIRECTLY into the most powerful Forex trading platform on the planet – MetaTrader 4. It utilizes the power of your...

Gary Wagner – Practical Applications Of Candlestick Charts

Gary Wagner - Practical Applications of Candlestick ChartsGary Wagner - Practical Applications of Candlestick ChartsRussell feels that purely mechanical systems, no matter how rigorously tested, still leave room for the personal judgment of an experienced trader....

Steven Primo – The Alvarez Factor (Video, Workbook, Tradestation & Amibroker Add-ons)

Steven Primo - The Alvarez Factor (Video, Workbook, Tradestation & Amibroker Add-ons)Steve Primo Alvarez Factor Daytrading System Trading CourseAre You Ready To Learn The Alvarez Factor?There Will Be Only 100 traders allowed to learn this proprietary daytrading system. After that, it...

Liz Herrera – Crypto Profits U

Liz Herrera – Crypto Profits U Stop Listening to The News and Throw Away Your Day Trading Books… “This Girl is the REAL DEAL!” World Famous Poker Star Accidentally Discovers the Secret to Massively Successful Crypto...

Michael Duane Archer – The Goodman Currency Codex (

Michael Duane Archer – The Goodman Currency Codex ( Michael Duane Archer has been a commodity futures and FOREX participant for over 40 years. He has acted as a private trader, registered CTA and CPO, branch...

Matthew Tagliani – The Practical Guide to Wall Street

The Practical Guide to Wall Street is an indispensable resource for anyone who aspires to a front-office sales or trading position on Wall Street and an essential desk reference for market practitioners and those who interact with...

EminiAcademy – Emini Academy Indicators Pack 4.0.2

InstallStart Ninjatrader and apply the indicator to a chartNinjatrader will complain that you do not have a valid license. Write down or copy the machine code that it gives.Close NinjatraderInstall Internet Information Server (IIS) if you...

Jack Schwager – The New Market Wizards Conversations with America’s Top Traders

Jack Schwager – The New Market Wizards Conversations with America’s Top Traders Taps into the minds of today’s trading superstars to reveal the secrets of their astonishing success In these absorbing interviews with star performers in...

Kevin Adams – Cracking The Forex Code

Kevin Adams – Cracking The Forex Code Kevin Adams has sent the insanely profitable new Cracking Forex Code course live, and you can get it right here, right now for a massive discount if you’re fast…...

Fred Shutzman – Developing Profitable Systems from Discretionary to Mechanical

Fred Shutzman – Developing Profitable Systems from Discretionary to Mechanical When trading on a discretionary basis, most traders look at many different tools and indicators and combine these into a logical decision making process. However, in...


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