Search Courses

Showing 251-300 of 337 items.

Larry Connors & Linda Bradford Rashcke – Street Smarts & TS Code

Larry Connors & Linda Bradford Rashcke – Street Smarts & TS Code Published in 1996 and written by Larry Connors and “New Market Wizard” Linda Raschke. This 245-page manual is considered by many to be one...

Linda Raschke – Street Smarts. High Probability Short Term Trading Strategies

Linda Raschke - Street Smarts. High Probability Short Term Trading StrategiesPublished in 1996 and written by Larry Connors and "New Market Wizard" Linda Raschke. This 245 page manual is considered by many to be one of...

Steven Primo – The Alvarez Factor (Video, Workbook, Tradestation & Amibroker Add-ons)

Steven Primo - The Alvarez Factor (Video, Workbook, Tradestation & Amibroker Add-ons)Steve Primo Alvarez Factor Daytrading System Trading CourseAre You Ready To Learn The Alvarez Factor?There Will Be Only 100 traders allowed to learn this proprietary daytrading system. After that, it...

Larry Connors – Trading Connors VIX Reversals & Tradestation Files

Larry Connors – Trading Connors VIX Reversals & Tradestation Files The VIX, or Volatility Index, can be used to time your trades to the market. This market timing system was developed by Larry Connors and has...

Dave Landry – David Landry On Swing Trading

Dave Landry – David Landry On Swing Trading No time to day trade? Intermediate-term and long-term trading not enough? Then, swing trading is for you. Now, David Landry, Director of Trading Research for TradingMarkets has put...

Investors – IBD's Level 1 (Beginning Investing)

IBD’s Level 1 – Beginning Investing IBD Level 2 - Intermediate Strategies For Successful Investing IBD’s Level 1 Home Study Program Introduces beginning investors to IBD’s top-performing CAN SLIM Investing System, the seven traits of winning...

Forexiapro – The Multi-Fractal Markets Educational Course

Forexiapro - The Multi-Fractal Markets Educational Course The Multi -Fractal Markets Educational Course The Multi-Fractal Markets Educational Course was specifically designed for traders that are committed to achieving success and financial independence through the Forex Market....

Forexia – #Signature Trade

Forexiapro – Signature Trade Lessons Introduction to our #Signature Trade What is the Forexia #Signature Trade? Why / When does the #Signature Trade occur? Timing the Trade Timing our #Signature Trade Session Timing and Examples Micro...

Vantharp – Forex Trading Systems Elearning Course (Busted Breakout System)

Vantharp – Forex Trading Systems Elearning Course - Busted Breakout System Forex Trading Systems Elearning Course - Busted Breakout System This e-learning course addresses two main parts from Gabriel’s original Forex Trading Workshop: Forex trading basics...

Zura Kakushadze & Juan Andrés Serur – 151 Trading Strategies

Zura Kakushadze & Juan Andr s Serur – 151 Trading Strategies The book provides detailed descriptions, including more than 550 mathematical formulas, for more than 150 trading strategies across a host of asset classes and trading styles....

NetPicks – Universal Market Trader Course

NetPicks - Universal Market Trader CourseCD #1: Setup & Getting StartedThese videos will get you started quickly. You’ll learn how to set-up your workspace, how to apply your indicators and how to be ready to start...

MarketTrader – MarketTrader Titanium Plus (March 2013)


Londonforexrush – The London Forex Rush System

The London Forex Rush System London Forex Rush System Dear trader, Intra-day trading the Forex market is a tough business. The majority of intra-day traders lose money, and the reason for that is because of poor...

Daryl Guppy – Catching The Bounce

Daryl Guppy - Catching the Bounce ( The successful momentum or rebound trade starts with defining the preferred buy range. This is directly related to the behavior of price and volatility in the preceding days. Better...

Greg N.Gregoriou – The Handbook Of Trading

Greg N Gregoriou - The Handbook of TradingMake the post-meltdown markets work for you, using the unparalleled insight of today’s top global investing experts!“This book provides a collection of papers that examine trading execution, technical trading,...

Sheridanmentoring – Trading Calendars And Double Diagonals For Income In 2016

Sheridanmentoring - Trading Calendars and Double Diagonals for Income in 2016 Class #1 With Dan: Calendar, Double Diagonal, and Double Calendar Basics 0- Intro 4:00- Whiteboard presentation: How do Calendars work? 10:30- Whiteboard Presentation: How do Butterflies work? 15:10- Whiteboard...

BCFX – BCFX Online Trading Course

BCFX – BCFX Online Trading Course BCFX Online Trading is a crash course on how to profitably day trade based on certain volatility formulas and foreign stocks and currencies. For those unfamiliar Forex Trading is decentralized...

Lawrence G.McMillan – McMillan On Options (2nd Ed.)

Lawrence G.McMillan - McMillan On Options (2nd Ed.)Legendary trader Larry McMillan does it-again-offering his personal options strategies for consistently enhancing trading profitsLarry McMillan's name is virtually synonymous with options. This "Trader's Hall of Fame" recipient first...

Christine Helliar – Interest Rate Risk Management

Christine Helliar - Interest Rate Risk ManagementFinancial risk management is currently subject to much debate, especially the accounting for derivative products, and a number of commentators are objecting to the introduction of International Accounting Standard IAS...

Anna Coulling – Binary Options Unmasked

Anna Coulling – Binary Options Unmasked The good, the bad, and the downright dangerous! I have only recently thought about earning extra money through trading binary options. I have been researching sites online and reading books...

Richard Imperiale – The Micro Cap Investor Strategies For Making Big Returns In Small Companies

Richard Imperiale - The Micro Cap Investor Strategies for Making Big Returns in Small CompaniesDescriptionThe Micro Cap InvestorLearn how today's smartest investors are discovering opportunities--and reaping profits--ahead of the Wall Street prosMicro cap stocks are all...

Richard R.Lindsey – How I Became A Quant

Richard R.Lindsey - How I Became a QuantDescriptionPraise for How I Became a Quant"Led by two top-notch quants, Richard R. Lindsey and Barry Schachter, How I Became a Quant details the quirky world of quantitative analysis...

Tradingmarkets – Introduction To AmiBroker Programming

Tradingmarkets - Introduction to AmiBroker Programming Learn How To Backtest Your Best Trading Ideas In One Day - Guaranteed! How would you like to have the ability to backtest your best trading ideas? And learn how...

Nicola Delic – Scientific Trading Machine

Nicola Delic – Scientific trading Machine "Make Money Faster, Easier And WithLess Risk Than You Ever Have With The World's First And Only Smart TradingSystem Powered By Pure Science" Let me tell you a story about...

George A.Fontanills & Tom Gentile – The Index Trading Course

George A.Fontanills & Tom Gentile - The Index Trading Course Praise for The Index Trading Course "George and Tom apply their considerable options trading and teaching expertise to the arena of broad-based and sector indices. Index options...

George A.Fontanills & Tom Gentile – The Index Trading Course WorkBook

George A.Fontanills & Tom Gentile - The Index Trading Course WorkBookIn The Index Trading Course, financial experts George Fontanills and Tom Gentile provide an in–depth look at the tools and techniques used to trade in this profitable...

Robert A.Schwartz – A Trading Desk View Of Market Quality

Robert A.Schwartz - A Trading Desk View of Market QualityThis book is based on A Trading Desk’s View of Market Quality, a conference hosted by the Zicklin School of Business on April 30, 2002. The text...

John Crane – Advanced Swing Trading

John Crane - Advanced Swing Trading (Strategies to Predict, Identify, and Trade Future Market Swings) Real trading strategies for making a killing in today's volatile markets Advanced Swing Trading reveals the strategies used by George Soros,...

PriceLadder – Price Ladder Training

PriceLadder - Price Ladder TrainingPRICE LADDER TRAININGThe first structured Price Ladder course delivered by senior trader Miltos Savvidis, with intensive Trading Drills of Futex' best order flow setups.OUR MISSION STATEMENT“To reach individuals that are passionate about...

Baranalyzer – VSTOPS 2 (Nov 2013)

VSTOPS 2 (Nov 2013) ( VSTOPS 2.0 provides an innovative method of calculating stop levels based on market activity, and uses an extremely fast filter to determine market volatility and help you make better trading decisions....

John Bollinger – Bollinger on Bollinger Bands (PDF)

John Bollinger - Bollinger on Bollinger Bands John Bollinger is a giant in today's trading community. His Bollinger Bands sharpen the sensitivity of fixed indicators, allowing them to more precisely reflect a market's volatility. By more...

Wayne Gorman – Range Bound Strategies (Course 2)

Wayne Gorman – Course 2. Range Bound Strategies EWI’s On-Demand Options Trading Course … How to Use the Elliott Wave Principle to Improve Your Options Trading Strategies Course 2: Range Bound Strategies This exciting course is...

Lois Peltz – The New Investment Superstars (13 Great Investors and Their Strategies for Superior Returns)

Lois Peltz – The New Investment Superstars. 13 Great Investors and Their Strategies for Superior ReturnsLearn how these superstars invest, where they invest, what works–and what doesn’t Since people have been making money in the markets,...

Richard Imperiale – The MicroCap Investor

Richard Imperiale – The MicroCap Investor Size: 4 MBProduct DescriptionRichard Imperiale – The MicroCap InvestorThe Micro Cap InvestorLearn how today’s smartest investors are discovering opportunities–and reaping profits–ahead of the Wall Street prosMicro cap stocks are all...

Jay Kaeppel – Seasonal Stock Market Trends

Jay Kaeppel – Seasonal Stock Market Trends Independent trader and author Jay Kaeppel is a trading strategist with Optionetics, Inc., and writes a weekly column titled “Kaeppel’s Corner” for, conducts online seminars, and contributes material...

George Angell – Sniper Trading Workbook (

George Angell ISBN: 978-0-471-39423-5 105 pages December 2001Important lessons and key investment strategies for trading stocks, options, and futures Sniper Trading helps readers fine-tune their trading to the point where they know exactly where the market...

Charles Tapiero – Risk and Financial Management

Charles Tapiero – Risk and Financial ManagementFinancial risk management has become a popular practice amongst financial institutions to protect against the adverse effects of uncertainty caused by fluctuations in interest rates, exchange rates, commodity prices, and...

Chris Tyler – The Tyler Method For Successful Triangle Trading

Chris Tyler – The Tyler Method For Successful Triangle TradingLet 8-Year Veteran Floor Trader Chris Tyler Teach You How To Make Money With Triangles, Breakouts and Gaps!New! “The Chris Tyler Trading Series,” A New And Improved...

Larry Connors & Cesar Alvarez – Short Term Trading Strategies that Work

Larry Connors & Cesar Alvarez – Short Term Trading Strategies that Work The top-selling trading book from Connors and Alvarez Market volatility has been at record levels in recent months, leaving every trader and investor to...

Simpler Options – Carter 2014 Vegas Seminar (Oct 2014)

Simpler Options – Carter 2014 Vegas Seminar (Oct 2014) Watch these talented speakers LIVE in Las Vegas John Carter President of Trade the Markets, Inc., has been a full-time trader since 1996, and has actively traded...

Fibozachi – The Vol. T Volume-Tick Indicator Package

Fibozachi – The Vol. T Volume-Tick Indicator Package The only Indicator Package of its kind, Vol.T™ diagnoses volume-trend and tick-pressure to provide trading signals based on buying or selling pressure (rather than just movements in price)....

Pristine – High Probability Option Trading - Seasonal Straddles

Pristine – High Probability Option Trading - Seasonal Straddles Many futures contracts have predictable seasonal tendencies that you can trade to your advantage Add the extraordinary leverage and versatility of options, and you can build low-risk...

Tony Ciccone – Option Spreads - Generating Exceptional Returns

Tony Ciccone – Option Spreads - Generating Exceptional Returns Widely associated with a high-risk level, options are often a case of concern when it comes to trading. However, by taking a closer look at them, their...

Larry Connors – The Bollinger Bands Swing Trading System 2004

Larry Connors – The Bollinger Bands Swing Trading System 2004 Welcome to the Bollinger Bands Swing Trading System strategy guide. In the pagesto come, you will learn how this system works and how you can apply...

Bill & Brian Wolfe – Seeing the Future

Bill & Brian Wolfe – Seeing the Future This particular methodology is perhaps the most unique, effective trading technique I’ve (Linda) ever come across! It was developed and shared by a good friend, Bill Wolfe, who...

James Bittman – Trading Options as a Professional

James Bittman – Trading Options as a Professional The options market allows savvy investors to assume risk in a way that can be very profitable, if the right techniques are used with the proper insight. In Trading...

Carol Alexander – Market Risk Analysis Vol. IV. Value-At-Risk Models

Carol Alexander – Market Risk Analysis Vol. IV. Value-At-Risk Models Written by leading market risk academic, Professor Carol Alexander, Value-at-Risk Models forms part four of theMarket Risk Analysis four volume set. Building on the three previous volumes...

Martin Pring – Indicator Companion for Metastock

Martin Pring – Indicator Companion for Metastock This is everything you need to master MetaStock’s new indicators! 15 movies explain them and templates are included so you can plot them. Martin Pring’s Indicator Companion for MetaStock offers detailed...

Professor Gary Koop – Analysis of Financial Data

Analysis of Financial Data teaches basic methods and techniques of data analysis to finance students. It covers many of the major tools used by the financial economist i.e. regression and time series methods including discussion of non...

Thomas Schneeweis – The New Science of Asset Allocation

A feasible asset allocation framework for the post 2008 financial world Asset allocation has long been a cornerstone of prudent investment management; however, traditional allocation plans failed investors miserably in 2008. Asset allocation still remains an...


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